0769-23105805 Fax:0769-23064224
Copyright © Dongguan Hongcheng Optical Products Co., Ltd All Rights Reserved.粤ICP备14026532号-1
The Tropel® FlatMaster® offers industry leading performance for surface form measurements to precision component manufacturers.
Our non-contact optical technique analyzes the entire surface of the part in seconds, regardless of its size or complexity. The FlatMaster provides five nanometer resolution and a standard accuracy of 50 nm (2.0 µ”). It rapidly and accurately measures flatness, line profile, radius and other surface parameters on a variety of materials and surface finishes.
A FlatMaster on the shop floor or in the QC lab will significantly improve processes, yields and productivity via full-form measurements with unprecedented speed and throughput.
Contact Person: Linda Chen
Tel:+86 18711412360
Fax: +86-0769-23064224
What app:18711412360